vrijdag 19 december 2008
Windows Server 2008 - Server Core
Met de release van Windows Server 2008 in het vooruitzicht, wordt het tijd wat meer te weten te komen over dit nieuwe OS. 1 van de belangrijkste wijzigingen in het OS is de mogelijkheid een minimale versie te installeren. En met minimaal, bedoel ik ook echt minimaal. Nagenoeg alles wat eruit gehaald kon worden is eruit gehaald. Zo heb je geen MMC, geen .NET framework, geen explorer met fancy GUI en de enige bureau accessoire is notepad, welke initieel ook niet beschikbaar was, maar onder druk van de betatesters is toegevoegd.Na installatie van de Server core is het de bedoeling dat er een rol of 'feature' geinstalleerd wordt. Dit artikel zal de installatie van een Server Core Domain Controller behandelen.
Server Core ondersteunt de installatie van de volgende rollen:
File Server
Active Directory
Naast deze rollen kunnen de volgende 'features' geinstalleerd worden.
Microsoft Failover Cluster
Network Load Balancing
Subsystem for UNIX-based applications
Multipath IO
Removable Storage Management
Bitlocker Drive Encryption
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Configuring an Active Directory Domain Controller on Windows Server 2008 Core
There are times where you may need a domain controller (DC) handy, whether it be for a demo or to isolate your development test environment. With the forthcoming release of Windows Server 2008 you have a new lightweight option to get a domain controller running using the Core installation. If you want to build your own DC using the Core installation of Windows Server 2008 here are the steps:
Install Windows Server 2008 Core from the installation media
Change your computer name to an easy-to-remember name
NetDom RenameComputer %ComputerName% /NewName:DC
Reboot your server to allow the name change to take effect
Shutdown /R /T 0
Determine the identifier of your network interface
NetSh Interface IPv4 Show Interfaces
Assign a static IP address to your network interface and set the DNS server to the local machine
NetSh Interface IPv4 Set Address Name="2" Source=Static Address= Mask= Gateway=
Add the Active Directory Domain Services role
DCPromo /InstallDNS:Yes /DNSOnNetwork:No /NewDomain:Forest /ForestLevel:3 /ReplicaOrNewDomain:Domain /NewDomainDNSName:"contoso.local" /DomainNetBIOSName:"CONTOSO" /Password:"p@ssw0rd"/SafeModeAdminPassword:"p@ssw0rd"
If you are connected to another network and want to be able to resolve external addresses configure your DNS Server's forwarders
DNSCmd /ResetFowarders
With your new domain controller up and running you can now have machines join the domain and manage the objects using the directory services command line tools.
zondag 22 juni 2008
Resolving "Setup did not find any hard disk drives" during Windows XP Installation
The problem that people keep running into left and right is getting to the point where XP starts to install and getting the message "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer". This error happens because your new computer has a storage controller that isn't supported natively in XP, usually an SATA (Serial ATA) controller.
If you don't have a floppy drive in your computer (who does anymore), then you'll need to use a process called slip-streaming to integrate the storage drivers into your XP installation CD.
It should go without saying that this is an advanced topic, so proceed with caution.
Creating a Custom XP Install
We'll use a software called nLite to create a new XP install cd, so you'll first need to download and install it. Once it starts up, you'll be prompted for your Windows
Klik op de link om alles te lezen
Bron: http://www.howtogeek.com
zondag 15 juni 2008
Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption Step-by-Step Guide
What is BitLocker Drive Encryption?
BitLocker Drive Encryption is an integral new security feature in the Windows Vista operating system that provides considerable protection for the operating system on your computer and data stored on the operating system volume. BitLocker ensures that data stored on a computer running Windows Vista remains encrypted even if the computer is tampered with when the operating system is not running. This helps protect against "offline attacks," attacks made by disabling or circumventing the installed operating system, or made by physically removing the hard drive to attack the data separately.
BitLocker uses a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to provide enhanced protection for your data and to assure early boot component integrity. This helps protect your data from theft or unauthorized viewing by encrypting the entire Windows volume.
BitLocker is designed to offer a seamless user experience. It is designed for systems that have a compatible TPM microchip and BIOS. A compatible TPM is defined as a version 1.2 TPM. A compatible BIOS must support the TPM and the Static Root of Trust Measurement as defined by the Trusted Computing Group. For more information about TPM specifications, visit the TPM Specifications section of the Trusted Computing Group's Web site
The TPM interacts with BitLocker to help provide seamless protection at system startup. This is transparent to the user, and the user logon experience is unchanged. However, if the TPM is missing or changed, or if the startup information has changed, BitLocker will enter recovery mode, and you will need a recovery password to regain access to the data.
Who should use BitLocker Drive Encryption?
This guide is intended for the following audiences:
IT planners and analysts who are evaluating the product
Security architects
In this guide
The purpose of this guide is to help administrators become familiar with the BitLocker Drive Encryption feature of Windows Vista. The sections below provide basic information and procedures that administrators need to start configuring and deploying BitLocker within their networks.
Scenario 1 provides instructions for creating the two partitions required for BitLocker Drive Encryption. Scenario 2 explains how to encrypt a drive using BitLocker and a TPM. Scenario 3 describes using the BitLocker advanced startup options. Scenario 4 describes how to access encrypted data after lockdown, and how to test BitLocker by generating a lockdown. Scenario 5
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dinsdag 29 april 2008
best practice to enabling WOL proxies using Deployment Server 6.x?
dinsdag 15 april 2008
maandag 18 februari 2008
Transition your MCSA and MCSE on Windows Server 2003 skills to Windows Server 2008
Capitalize on your MCSA or MCSE on Windows Server 2003 with an expedited path to Windows Server 2008 certification.
If you are a Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) or a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) on Windows Server 2003, you can transfer your skills to achieve multiple Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certifications or Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) credentials on Windows Server 2008.
For the first time, the transition path is available before the product release. If you have a Windows Server 2008 certification on your resumé, you have an excellent opportunity to catch the eye of early adopter organizations. Microsoft Learning developed this transition path to recognize the investment and expertise you have demonstrated throughout your certification history—don’t miss your chance to take advantage of these new certifications.
Your path consists of one exam, which allows you to earn multiple Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certifications on Windows Server 2008.
dinsdag 12 februari 2008
AutoIt Script
AutoIt is a freeware Windows automation language. It can be used to script most simple Windows-based tasks (great for PC rollouts or home automation).
AutoIt has been in popular use since 1999 and continues to provide users and administrators with an easy way to script the Windows GUI. In February 2004 the latest version of AutoIt - known as AutoIt v3 - was released and added powerful scripting features.
AutoIt v3 was developed in a small team with the help of contributors around the world and this has led to a great set of help files, examples, support forum, mailing list, editor files, and third-party utilities. Oh, and lets not forget some nice graphics and wallpapers too!
All development is focused on AutoIt v3 but v2 will continue to be downloadable and supported as it is in such widespread use.
ImageX GUI (GImageX)
For a graphical user interface for the ImageX tool see this page.
donderdag 31 januari 2008
SABnzbdPlus installatie en configuratie
Een simple walkthrough om SABnzbdPlus te installeren en te configureren.
- Stap 0 : Haal de nieuwste versie van SABnzbdPlus van BR41N.COM
- Stap 1 : Dubbelklik op gedownloade zipbestand om de SABnzbdPlus universal binary uit te pakken
- Stap 2 : Verplaats de SABnzbdPlus universal binary naar Applications (Programma’s in de Nederlandse vertaling)
- Stap 3 : Ga naar Applications en dubbelklik op SABnzbdPlus om de daemon te starten
- Stap 4 : Ga met je browser (ik gebruik Camino) naar
- Stap 5 : Ga naar Config -> Directories en verander de mappenstructuur, indien je dat wilt (klik hier voor mijn instellingen). Vergeet niet op save changes te drukken.
- Stap 6 : Ga naar Config -> Switches en verander het bolletje bij “Enable Filejoin” naar Yes. Verander bij “Dirscan Options” het bolletje naar +delete (de 4e optie), om automatisch te parren, te unrarren en daarna de bronbestanden te verwijderen. Dit zijn dus mijn instellingen bij dit scherm. Vergeet niet op save changes te drukken.
- Stap 7 : Ga naar Config -> Servers en de informatie van jouw newsnetserver in (poort 119 is de poort voor unencrypted verkeer, de time-out wordt automatisch ingevuld). Vergeet niet op save changes te drukken.
- Stap 8 : Ga naar Config -> General en kies bij User Interface de skin die je wilt gebruiken (ik gebruik de NOVA 0.4.5 skin). Let op : sommige skins werken langzamer het scherm bij dan anderen. Vergeet niet op save changes te drukken.
Tot zover deze walkthrough. Ik neem aan dat je er wat aan gehad hebt. Verbeteringen of opmerkingen ? Laat een comment achter.
woensdag 16 januari 2008
Cool new W2K8 stuff
Ik volg deze week een HP Windows 2008 Academy. De highlights die ik tegen gekomen ben:
ServerCore (bare Windows versie)
Powershell(De nieuwe script language)
Hyper-V (virtualisatie)
RemoteServer admin tools 2008 ook voor W2K3/XP beschikbaar
Alle infrastructuur rollen draaien op op Server Core
Clusprep -> system checkup voor installatie Cluster
Quorum is niet meer nodig in W2k8 clustering
dinsdag 1 januari 2008
Xcacls.exe gebruiken om NTFS-machtigingen te wijzigen
In dit stapsgewijze artikel wordt het gebruik van het script Xcacls.vbs beschreven om machtigingen in het NTFS-bestandssysteem voor bestanden of mappen te wijzigen en weer te geven.
U kunt Xcacls.vbs gebruiken vanaf de opdrachtregel om alle beveiligingsopties van het bestandssysteem in te stellen die toegankelijk zijn in Microsoft Windows Verkenner.
Met Xcacls.vbs kunt u de ACL's (toegangsbeheerlijsten) van bestanden weergeven en wijzigen.
Opmerking Xcacls.vbs is alleen compatibel met Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP en Microsoft Windows Server 2003. Microsoft biedt geen ondersteuning voor Xcacls.vbs.
Haal de laatste versie van Xcacls.vbs op van de volgende Microsoft-website: